
PVC Angle Trim

Currently, using square PVC thread trim for decoration is becoming a popular trend. Here are some reasons why square PVC thread braces are popular:

1. Create a modern and luxurious look: Square PVC thread braces have a simple, angular design and create a modern, luxurious look for the decorative space.

2. Create highlights and shape the space: Square PVC thread braces have the ability to clearly create highlights and shape the space. They can be used to create borders, divisions or borders between different materials.

3. Easy to install and remove: The square PVC thread brace has a convenient design and is easy to install. You can install the thread brace yourself without using complicated tools. In addition, when it is necessary to change or remove, the PVC thread brace can also be easily removed without causing damage to the surface.

4. Easy to clean and maintain: The square PVC thread brace has a surface that is easy to clean and maintain. They are waterproof, mold-resistant and unaffected by external factors such as chemicals or sunlight.

5. Variety of colors and sizes: Square PVC thread braces are available in many different colors and sizes, making it easy for you to choose the one that suits the style and space of the room.

However, when using square PVC thread braces, you need to pay attention to choosing quality materials to ensure the durability, safety and aesthetics of the product.


There are several reasons to use PVC trim for wall edge decoration:

1. Protect and hide wall edges: PVC trim is designed to protect and hide wall edges, helping to prevent bumps, scratches or damage from daily use.

2. Create accents and aesthetics: PVC splints come in many different colors and designs, helping to create accents and aesthetics for the decorative space. You can choose splints that match the style and color of the room.

3. Easy to install: PVC splint has a simple design and is easy to install. You can install the brace yourself without using complicated tools.

4. Easy to clean: PVC splint only has a surface that is easy to clean and wipe. You can easily remove dirt and stains from the brace thread.

5. Durable and long-lasting protection: PVC splints are moisture-proof, rot-proof and termite-proof. They are also able to withstand impact and long-term use without deformation or damage.

Note that using PVC trim to decorate wall edges depends on your personal preference and decorating style. Consider these factors before deciding to use PVC trim in your space.


Below are some important notes when installing and using square splints to decorate wall edges:

1. Choose the appropriate size: Before installation, you need to choose a size suitable for the height and width of the wall edge. If the trim is too wide or too tight, it will not cover the edge of the wall or create the desired decorative effect.

2. Prepare the surface before installation: You need to make sure that the surface of the wall edge is clean, dry and free of any signs of dirt or grease. Otherwise, the thread clip will not adhere tightly to the wall and may fall when used.

3. Use specialized glue: When installing square PVC braces, you should use specialized glue to ensure the thread adheres tightly to the wall. Otherwise, the thread brace may slip out of its position after a period of use.

4. Cut the thread brace to the correct size: During the process of cutting the square PVC thread brace, you need to pay attention to cutting the correct size and angle so that the thread brace can be installed correctly and not misaligned.

5. Do not use too much force to install: When installing the square PVC thread brace, you need to be careful not to use too much force to press on the thread brace. Otherwise, the thread brace may be deformed or damaged during use.


Below are important notes when choosing to buy PVC square splints:

Product quality: You should choose good quality square PVC thread braces to ensure the sustainability and durability of the product. You should choose products made from high quality PVC material, with appropriate thickness and hardness.

Style and color: You should choose a style and color that matches the style and color of the decorative space. Currently there are many types of square PVC thread braces with many different designs, sizes and colors.

Brand and reputation: You should choose reputable and famous brands in the field of PVC thread splint production to ensure product quality and good after-sales service.

Price: You should choose a product with a reasonable price and suitable for your budget. However, you should not choose cheap products that are too low because they may not ensure quality and safety for users.

Consulting staff: If you do not have experience in choosing to buy square PVC thread braces, you should go to reputable stores with a team of professional consultants for proper support and advice. the best.


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